How to Lose Weight fast Naturally without Pills and Exercise

If you are overweight and want to shed off the excess baggage without the use of pills and exercise, you have come to the right place, my friend. Here are the ways How to Lose Weight fast Naturally without Pills and Exercise

1. Lose Weight Naturally With Green Tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants and helps to reduce weight naturally. Green tea have so much other benefits than fat burning ability. other than weight loss.

One cup of green tea will not help for weight loss. If you want that green tea will help you in weight loss than you have to drink two to three cups of green tea.


How to Lose Weight fast Naturally without Pills and Exercise

2. Just playing with the Brain

Controlling your eating behavior can be as simple as changing your plate size. We tend to eat with our eyes first. A large plate can establish an optical illusion that lead to inaccurate estimates of serving size.

It can make a serving of food appear smaller, while smaller plates can lead you to misjudge the same quantity of food as being significantly larger.

How to Lose Weight fast Naturally without Pills and Exercise


3. Lose Weight with Adding Proteins and Vegetables to you diet

Proteins help in increasing metabolism which, in turn, helps you to lose weight fast. Make legumes (फलियां) and pulses a part of your regular diet.

If you like eating meat then stick to eating lean, white meat. If you are fond of chicken and turkey, then chicken or turkey breast without skin is the best bet. For fish eaters, there are a number of oily fish that you can include in your diet.

4. Lose Weight with Eating breakfast daily

A healthy breakfast will help to kick-start metabolism in the morning. Research has established the fact that having a healthy breakfast helps to lose about 4 pounds without exercise or without dieting. Isn’t that a better way to natural weight loss?

5. Cut Sugars and Starches

Diet and exercise are two vital factors in the formula for weight loss as you’re told to “eat less and move more.”

Eating less of particular foods, specifically sugars and starches, is one of the first steps to achieve your weight loss goals. These foods are known to stimulate the secretion of insulin, which is the main fat storage hormone in the body.

6. Store Unhealthy Foods Out of Sight

One recent study found that if high-calorie foods are more visible in the house, the residents are more likely to weigh more, compared to people who keep only a bowl of fruit visible.

Store unhealthy foods out of sight, such as in closets or cupboards, so that they are less likely to catch your eye when you’re hungry as it helps in controlling  hunger and cravings.

7. Lose Weight Naturally With Meal Timings

It is important that what you eat, but it is also important “when to eat” to lose weight

Never eat just before your  sleep time as it is main reason of weight gain.

Strictly follow meal timings on daily basic.

Avoid eating anything approx. 2 hours before you hit the sack.

8. Lose Weight with Drinking Water Regularly

Drinking water before meals may help you eat fewer calories.Replacing a sugary drink with water is particularly beneficial.

The Institute of Medicine advises that men and women try to consume about 3.7 and 2.7 liters of water a day, respectively, including water found in food and other

9. Lose Weight Naturally With Fiber Diet

Increase the fiber intake to lose weight fast & naturally without pills and exercise. You can take the brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc. Also, increase the quantity of vegetables and fruits in your diet. This diet will take care that excess calories not intake in your body. If you feel hungry in between your meals, you can eat cucumbers, carrot, etc., in small quantity to feel satisfy.

How to Lose Weight fast Naturally without Pills and Exercise

10. Make a real commitment, Don’t fool yourself

If losing weight is your goal, then make this a priority that you focus on completely.

This means you’ll have to arrange your schedule to be sure you have time to get proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise.

11. Don’t give yourself a deadline

Deadlines just create pressure and tension. Be comfortable with it taking as long as it takes. Besides, there’s no point losing weight quickly if you gain it all back again.

Always ask: Will I be able to maintain this? Yes you can.

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6 thoughts on “How to Lose Weight fast Naturally without Pills and Exercise”

  1. Nice article! There is best advice to lose weight naturally in this article. I will definitely follow your advice. Thanks and keep sharing.

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