Mistakes keeping you away from Getting Dream Job | Interview Experience

People make infinite mistakes throughout their Job Interview search process which costs them lots of time, efforts, and even cash. Remember very few interviewers are willing to share honest feedback with candidates.

Your questioner is going to have doubts regarding whether or not this is the job that you actually need. There aren’t any “right” or “wrong” jobs, only different kinds of experiences.

Don’t limit yourself to one company, one position, or maybe one industry; as a result of you never understand what opportunities you may miss by closing off your choices too soon. The more applications you submit, the higher your response rate is going to be.

Here are 10 job interview mistakes to avoid, along with some career advice to help you stand out from the crowd and land you your dream job.

Sending Targeted Resumes

In a competitive job market, employers are searching for an easy way to narrow down their candidates. And despite your years of expertise and excellent credentials, one error on your resume can quickly eliminate you from the running.

Send Targeted Resumes to different Companies or Employers according to the Organization and Job interview Requirements. Omit or Alter any information that is useless or irrelevant to the job at hand for getting a dream job.

For instance – while applying to an ad agency for a designing job, you definitely want to include “creativity” as a skill. On the other hand, skills such as “excellent communication” or “people person” are better left for a sales job resume. It will show that you cared enough to tailor your resume for them and came prepared for Job Interview.

Dream Job Interview Experience

Not Engaging and Networking

Networking is really about making friends.  Anyone you know personally is on your network and could potentially help you by being a source of information. You may meet someone who knows about a new position that isn’t public yet. This gives you a chance to get your foot in the door before anyone else has a chance to.

Word of mouth is still the most effective marketing technique. Spread the word about you are searching for a job in the particular industry (i.e. parent’s friends, relatives, friends, etc)

Not Preparing for the Job Interview

Why on earth would you wish to go into an interview once you are unprepared and sure to embarrass yourself? If you’re feeling that you simply suck at Job Interview, it’s as a result of you did not prepare to an adequate degree and haven’t had enough practice. It’s that easy.

So, take the time to practice/prepare if you’ve got a Job Interview on the horizon, be sensible regarding it, and your preparation is guaranteed to pay off.

Depends on the corporate. See if they have recent press releases, public news report or magazine, blog, letter from the chief executive officer, have they released any new product on the market, and what is their customer’s feedback about them.

Not Asking the Right Questions at the End

The interviewer will ask if you have any questions for him/her at the end of an interview. Some of your questions may be covered naturally during the interview so; you should have some backup engaging questions to show you’re really passionate about the job.

Lying about your Skills on the Resume

It’s just not worth it to lie on your resume. Hiring managers were not born yesterday. A single question is enough to catch you out on a lie. It causes an embarrassment and an awkward situation for everyone in the room. And once you’ve been caught, you’ve trashed your opportunity to get hired and damaged your reputation.

Dressing Inappropriately

First impressions do count; therefore what you wear to a Job Interview might seriously impact obtaining that job you’ve been after for ages Turning up to a Job Interview in a super short skirt or jeans might leave the questioner with the impression that you simply aren’t serious regarding the job.

Practice makes Perfect

Prepare answers to usually asked interview questions. Practising can assist you to analyse your background and qualifications for the position.

Ask a close friend or mentor to conduct a mock interview with you. Somebody with insight regarding recruiting and hiring processes is ideal! Record the mock interview and review it to check however well you answer questions.

Speaking Negatively about your Employers

Making a negative comment regarding one of your past or perhaps current employers might harm you because he’ll assume you’ll do the same in future – when it comes to them. Always keep your cards near your chest and do not share uncomplimentary comments about your boss. You may encounter as unskilled and bitter, which will only end badly for you.

Panicking when you don’t know the Answer to something

In a Job Interview, there’s a chance you won’t know the answer to a question you’re asked. That’s okay. Employers don’t expect you to know everything.
What they do expect is that you’ll keep cool under pressure and you won’t freak out. So remember, when you don’t know the answer, just stay calm, take a deep breath, and then deal with it rationally. In some cases, interviewers ask you things simply to examine how you cope.

Not Checking your Online Presence

A lot of potentially embarrassing or unhelpful information about you is likely to be on social media sites, keep your social media posts light, positive, and appropriate.

Employers often look at your social profiles; start with the areas that you can control.

Having an impressive LinkedIn profile and twitter accounts is a great way to highlight your skills. You could be discovered by a company you hadn’t even thought of.

You are so talented and WILL get that dream job! Cheers.

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